kontaktpiatorp@gmail.com hvis du er forhindret senest kl. 8 dagen før session ellers forfalder hele beløbet. BEMÆRK! Andre regler for heldagsterapi.
Psykoterapi betales forud. Forløb refunderes ikke undervejs. Forløb skal være afsluttede indenfor 6 måneder efter første session, medmindre andet er skriftligt aftalt.
Udeblivelse senere end 20 min. betragtes som afbud.
Firmabetalt psykoterapi/ udviklingssamtaler/ coaching/supervision aftales separat.
Weekend sessioner /møde i private hjem kan aftales mod tillæg.
English speaking counselling for individual, couples and families.
Clinic Address: Victor Borges Plads 16, 2100 Copenhagen Ø.
I am bound by confidentiality, and therapy is conducted with full discretion.
Information about services/psychotherapeutic treatment:
Individual Psychotherapy: 60 minutes – DKK 990.
Package: 6x Individual Psychotherapy: DKK 5400.
Couples Session: 60 minutes – DKK 1650.
Package: 5+2 Couples Sessions: DKK 8900 (Regular price: DKK 10320). The 7 sessions include 5 joint and 2 individual sessions.
Full-day intensive couples therapy, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Includes materials, coffee/tea, and fruit (lunch not included).
Note: Cancellations must be made one week before the scheduled date. Payment is required one week in advance. Cannot be booked directly – scheduling via email only.
Family Session: 60 minutes – DKK 1650 (for 2 participants).
Family Therapy Packages: Prices negotiated individually, depending on the number of participants/sessions.
Exit/Divorce Consultation: 60 minutes – DKK 1650.
It is possible to arrange customized sessions or packages tailored to your specific needs.
Booking Appointments
Log in to the booking system to schedule and pay for a session or package.
If you are already registered, log in using the code you receive.
If you experience any issues, contact me via SMS at +45 23723649.
Payment/Refund Policy
Payment is made online prior to the session unless otherwise agreed.
Online payments are reserved and only charged after the session takes place.
Cancellations must be made by 8:00 AM the day before the scheduled session. For late cancellations, the full price will be charged.
Notify me via SMS at +45 23723649 or email at kontaktpiatorp@gmail.com by 8:00 AM the day before the session; otherwise, the full amount will be forfeited.
NOTE: Different rules apply for full-day therapy.
Standard Terms and Conditions