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Note: the ticket is a couple ticket:
Dimensional Intimacy Immersion is a deep dive into your intimate relationship. It is a series of 6 Sunday, 3 1⁄2 hour workshops. Exploring and expanding the depth and dimensions of your intimacy, polarity, needs, longings, secrets and desires.
We are multidimensional beings and as a couple we can connect in different dimensions. Such as sexual, emotional, energetic, heart, mental, consensual, spiritual. The deeper the intimacy can be explored the more enriching our connection can be. In relating as a couple the balance between togetherness as a couple and sovereignty as individuals is important. The togetherness is pulling partners together and sovereignty keeps/pushes them apart. Polarity is essential in a relationship. We are receiving from the partner what we are lacking in ourselves. This push and pull can sometimes lead to disconnection. This immersion offers you practices to reconnect as a couple and support the growth and deepening of your relationship.
In these 6 Sunday evenings we will guide you as a couple to deeper intimacy, vulnerability, pleasure and sacred union. A transformative Tantric journey through energies, polarity, authentic relating, honouring the masculine & feminine, ceremonies, massages and a tantric dinner.
We welcome any kind of couple, hetero, same sex, non binary, occasional couple as long as both in the duo is committed to make a deep dive into the intimacy of their relationship.
ach sunday we will guide you through exercises and practises to discover and deepen your dimensional intimacy
29/9 Elemental massage, presence and consent
With exercises and a massage you will be brought to a grounded presence and learn different elemental energies in massage.
In a playful communication you will discover;
What do you do for yourself and what for the other?
What are you really longing for and can you ask for it?
13/10 Polarity and communication
How is the polarity in your relationship ? In which energy dimensions do you connect and in which do you disconnect ? What do you need to feel safe? What feels vulnerable to share?
27/10 Worshipping the Wand
Honouring the Masculine in yourself and your partner,
Pelvic and Lingam Massage (Physical or energetic lingam)
10/11 Honouring the Chalice
Honouring the Feminine in yourself and your partner,
Yoni Massage (Physical or energetic Yoni)
24/11 Sacred Union ceremony,
Relationship ritual with active meditation, sacred magic lovemaking/energetic sex
8/12 Tantric Dinner
Ending and integrating your couple intimacy immersion
Celebration of love, connection, relationship with a Tantric dining.
In the workshop there will be nudity and intimate touch demonstrated and performed in the space. We accommodate your boundaries. You can choose not to be naked or do intimate touch yourself. During these 6 Sundays there will not be allowed to have physical penetrating sex or oral sex. You are invited and encouraged to practise at home and include the taught practises how you which into your intimate life
If you have any doubts whether this experience is for you, please send us an email with questions or need of clarification that you might have. contact@sacredsoma.life
You will receive an email before and after each Sunday. Preparing you what to bring and inviting you to practise at home between the Sundays.
Dates and time
29/9 18.30-22
13/10 18.30-22
27/10 18.30-22
10/11 18.30-22
24/11 18.30-22
8/12 18.30-22
Price for a couple:
4 early bird tickets are available for 5355 Dkr, Earlybird code is Diifall24
6300 Dkr Full price
Maximum of 9 couples
What to Bring:
Wear comfortable clothes, bring water bottle and note book
Before each Sunday you will receive an email a couple of days in advance informing you on what to bring.
By purchasing this workshop , you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions;
If you need to cancel until 30 days before 29/8, You will receive a full refund minus an admin fee of 300 Dkr
If you need to cancel between 30 days and 48 hours, before 29/9 You will receive a 50% refund
If you cancel within 48 hours of the workshop starting, then you will lose 100 % of your payment.
You can sell your ticket to another couple.
The workshop will be guided by Sacred Soma Life
Sacred Soma life is lead by Asim Sacredfire and Amosoma
AMOSOMA (she/her) also known as Stine Krage is a holistic midwife, sexological body therapist and tantrica. She is passionate about supporting life changing transitions for human beings, embracing gender fluidity, transparency, tantra, core integrity, intimacy, pleasure and free sexual expression. Educated as a midwife, Integral Sexologist, Kaula Tantra, ART/Authentic Relating, Rebirthing Breathwork, Acupuncture, TRE, Core Awareness/psoas, Compassionate Inquiry and De Armouring.
ASIM SACREDFIRE (he/him) is a Tantrik, bodyworker, shamanic practitioner and energetic healer. Educated in Kaula Tantra, Core shamanism, Loomi Loomi massage. Self taught in energetic healing and Tarot. Asim facilitates sessions, workshops and ceremonies in a blend of tantra, yoga and shamanism. In his work as a holistic bodyworker he uses elements from shamanism, tantra, de-armouring, energetic & chakra healing.
Amosoma kropsterapi er en holistisk praksis der inkludere flere forskelige terapeutiske værktøjer. Jeg har samlet en bred vifte af viden fra både det naturvidenskabelige og holistiske viden. Jeg bygger bro mellem paragdigmer for at kunne behandle kroppen udfra et inkluderende princip. Når jeg arbejder med en krop, fascilitere jeg en transformativ proces hvor du kan guides til at give slip på blokeringer, traumer og dysfunktioner der ikke tjener dig i forhold til at leve som et helt mennesker i en sund krop.
English // Amosoma bodywork is a holistic practice that includes several different therapeutic tools. I have gathered a wide range of knowledge from both the scientific and holistic knowledge. I build bridges between paragdigms in order to treat the body by an inclusive principle. When I work with a body, I facilitate a transformative process where you can be guided to let go of blockages, traumas and dysfunctions that no longer serves you in order to live as a whole human being in a healthy body.
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Jeg giver hermed mit samtykke til at amosoma må indsamle og behandle mine personoplysninger. Personoplysninger omfatter følgende typer:
Oplysningerne opbevares elektronisk hos Terapeut Booking (www.terapeutbooking.dk).
Tilbagetrækning af dit samtykke til behandling af dine personoplysninger
Du kan altid trække dit samtykke tilbage. Dette kan du gøre ved at kontakte amosoma på e-mail: info@amosoma.dk