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Rossana Pettersén, PhD. is a psychologist with many years of experience in scientific research (Karolinska Institute) in psychology and also experience as a therapist. She specialises in Schema Therapy (The Swedish Institute for CBT and Schema Therapy) to treat long-standing patterns of low self-esteem, self-hatred, people pleasing, anger or withdrawal responses, impostor syndrome, feelings of isolation/alienation, difficult and unstable relationships, etc.
She also works with couples experiencing communication problems, infidelity, dysfunctional ways of relating to each other, have “lost the spark” or want to have a healthy separation.
For more information, visit my website Livesinflow.com
Processing of your personal information - Consent.
In order for me to access the booking system, I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data by Rossana Pettersén. Personal information includes the following types:
All information is stored electronically at EasyPractice (www.easypractice.net) strictly following the European GDPR regulations.
Retrieve your consent to deal with
You can always retrieve your consent by contacting Rossana Pettersén on e-mail rossana@turning-point.se.